General Questions

This section is updated regularly.
However, you can always contact us at team@comments.com if you have any further questions.

What does COMENTS stand for?

At COMENTS, everything revolves around community. Therefore, COliving is at the core of our design and operation. Instead of providing our residents with apartments that separate them from each other, we created COMENTS to build a community that provides students with the best living experience. Several COMENTS will be clustered around a central COroom that functions as a living room for the roommates. Here they will enjoy communal cooking time, meals and relax. At COMENTS, residents can also find the COroof: a place for urban gardening, table tennis matches, partying and experiencing a spectacular city view. It is accessible to every COMENTS Member (COme). And every site has a Community Facilitator – we call them COfactors – who will make the residents thrive.

What is the project's progress and how can I contribute?

We developed a future proof student COliving concept based on the experience of industry leaders and inhouse research. Currently COMENTS is building its partner network to gain visibility as an impactful investment opportunity, and to turn the project into life. The next steps are the acquisition of the first building plot and the property construction.

Would you like to join our partner ecosystem? Reach out here.
Are you looking for an impact-driven investment? Contact us here to explore investment opportunities.

I would like to be updated on the next phases. How can I do that?

Sign up to our newsletter to receive updates. We will be in touch soon.

Are you a student and would like to know when COMENTS appear in your city? Sing up to the waitlist here.